Welcome to Krish Consultancy

Astrology revels the will of God

  • Horoscopes
  • Gemstones
  • Numerology
  • Tarot Card Reading
  • Psycological Counselling
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About Krish Consultancy

Krish Consultancy is a registered firm under MSME Act of Government of India. At Krish Consultancy, the ancient wisdom of astrology is revered as a profound tool for understanding the intricate tapestry of human existence. With a team of seasoned astrologers deeply versed in various astrological traditions and techniques, clients are offered personalized insights into their lives, destinies, and the cosmic forces at play. Whether it's decoding the mysteries of one's birth chart, exploring celestial influences on relationships, career, or health, Krish Consultancy provides compassionate guidance and practical advice tailored to each individual's unique journey.

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why choose us

Selecting correct astrologer can offer valuable insights and guidance into various aspects of life, aiding in understanding oneself better and navigating life's challenges with clarity and foresight.

90+ Expert Astrologers

24x7, 365 Days Availability

Instant Access Worldwide

Accurate Remedial Solutions

Privacy Guaranteed

Trusted by million clients

our services

We deal in Vedic Astrology, KP Astrology, Brighu Nandi Nadi, Tarot Reading, Numerology, Psychological Counselling & Reiki Healings.


Kundali Analysis

Uncover insights into your personality, life events, and potential future outcomes

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Home Analysis

Check with us best time to Construct/ purchase/buy your own house.

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Tarot Card Reading

Get insights, guidance, and potential outcomes regarding various aspects of life

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Career Counselling

Get Best Guidance for your career with combined astrology and Industry Experts.

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Gemstone Consultation

Get guidance on gemstone which suits your kundali/ purpose.

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Reiki Healing

universal life energy promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

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How does AstrologyWorks

Astrology posits that planetary movements and positions at the time of our birth can influence our personality, experiences, and life events, shaping our individual paths and destinies..

Reiki Healing


Reiki's distance healing can positively impact relationships, careers, life situations, and health by balancing energies remotely.

The effectiveness of Reiki varies from person to person, but many individuals report positive outcomes such as relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, and emotional healing after receiving Reiki treatments.

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Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

"Dive into the enchanting world of tarot card reading, where ancient symbolism meets modern intuition to illuminate your path and guide you towards empowered decisions and meaningful transformations."

Physic Tarot Reading for Past, Present & Future Readings,Career, Relationship etc

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Meet our Team


Priyanka Vardhan



Acharya Sharan

Guiding Force


Saurav Verma


Reason to Select Us


Trained Students


Successful Consultations


Countries Covered


Years of Experiences

what client says

Customer Satisfaction is our utmost priority.

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